More the company was
so professional that they left me an anonymous comment. Yes, and said I yelled and swore on the phone. Think I'll use that in my harassment case because that is not true AND I do not curse..The problem is that the company Sew CHic, in my hometown, went out of business (I think I know why) but I received a call from her today and she has found all of my information..original bill of sale, registration and warranty information. Viking would not believe me when I told them I had registered and I really bought the machine, etc. but The previous owner had left town. So the way I see it, they should have taken extra special care of me. Whatever...
So here it is....if you want to embroider, I would not suggest a viking / husq. designer SE you need a stronger, more reliable and functional one. The customer service is poor, okay terrible..period...the end.
But I made this purse before it went on the outs. The towel I did with my old machine (Elna CE20) but had to keep rehooping. Seriously, I never had had the first moments' trouble with
it. I found the retro designs and couldn't wait to try them out. So my friends get my samples!

* I am going to be honest...I cried today from the stress because Viking/Hus and the sewing machine dealership isn't being very helpful. I bought the machine only 2 years ago and found my canceled check today. I am embarrassed to say I wrote a check out for 8,000.00+ and just can't believe they would not be kinder to me....