Tomorrow is the actual day for bookclub comments, but thought we could go ahead and review. So, leave your comments about the book, and you'll be eligible to win a monogrammed bag. I finally sent Jill and Jacky theirs, so I guarantee the bag will be done by the next comment date. JOIN US!
LOVE LOVE LOVE my bag, got it today! Thank you.
I loved this book. I bought this book last year because it was at the top of a "Preppy Books" to read. It was already fall though and I was ready for turning leaves.
I loved the Cape Cod way of life, when summers were spent away and life was so carefree. When the rain came, children found a corner in the huge, gabled home and read a book, among this seaweed-insulated home. It was a relaxing read. So different from today, when we are busy during our summers.
This is a perfect Summer Read!
I found this book about three summers ago, I'm a big fan of non-fiction and memoir type books (and anything that takes place at the beach) so I flipped over this. I love the multi-generational tale - it felt more like listening to my grandmother tell stories about growing up than reading a history text. The whole time I was rooting for the family to chip in and buy the house, I eschew change myself so the thought of someone else owning the "Big House" seemed unfathomable to me. I grew up summers in a beachhouse with my cousins and aunts and uncles too so a lot of his antecdotes were very familiar. In fact, 'sardines' is one of our favorite games.
I have recommended this book to many people, the story has a romantic, lyrical side and the history is very interesting, even if you've never seen the cape.
I really enjoyed this book from the start. From the moment he mentioned selling the house my heart ached for them. As someone who has always dreamed of owning a summer house, it makes me so sad to think about how it would feel to have to sell a house that is such a great part of the family.
Going into the book I have admit I thought it was fiction. When all the historical references got thrown in I actually had to check the inside cover to see if it was fiction or non-fiction. I was pleasantly surprised to find it was non-fiction. Makes me want to head on out to Cape Cod and check out this area.
The more I got into the book and his story though, I kind of changed my opinion. I started thinking that the best thing for them was to sell the house and get out from under it’s shadow. Start a new history, new stories and not have so many imposed on them. He kind of alludes to his parents feeling a bit this way to, or at least that is how I read into it.
The on chapter that really made me smile was when he was talking about his family’s practical approach to money. Sounded like my house growing up, and now me today. “of course you are cold, you are only wearing a sweater’ or something like that.
This was a great read to kick-off the summer, even if I can’t make it the cape!
I have this book and Summer at Tiffany also but haven't read either yet(am late with your book club)- need to get going!
I LOVED my bag as well, PERFECT for the BEACH and BOAT! THANK YOU!
Loved the book as well. I love the Cape and it really took me back and made me want to be there. It also made me appreciate what I have and who I spend my time with and the way I form my memories. Thank you so much for sharing this book with us!
I think that this is such a great book that really explains what summer time and families are all about. I loved the story about when they would all pile into the car and go into town with their grandfather, and they went by the scary house where the kid got hit, and then they would get their penny candy and it would all be eaten by the time they got home, loved that!
I also loved how he described his grandmother and how formal she was and how she would always be "dressed" I could just picture her in pearls. Can't wait to read Summer at Tiffany next week while I am on vacation! Thank you again for starting this, I love it!
I have toadmit I haven't read the book - sorry! But I thought it was funny that I just posted a contest on my blog too to win a monogrammed bag.
CONGRATS TO SUZ! she has been chosen to win the monogrammed bag! Thanks for participating!
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