A day early, but I want to give everyone a chance to comment. One winner will be chosen and will receive a monogrammed bag and two great books from the publisher of our book...This has been so much fun BUT will be the last BookClub for me. The kids start back to school in August and we will continue to be busy, busy so...take this opportunity to comment...even if you didn't read the book...It was a fun Summer of reading...Burning Bright...The Big House...Summer at Tiffany...
I really enjoyed this book! I picked it up with two other books to read while I was at the beach last week. I read the whole book while my husband drove us to Fort Myers Beach Florida.
I read "Summer at Tiffany's" a couple of months ago and really enjoyed it. I highly recommend it.
I loved this book!I devoured it in about 2 hours! The funny thing was that I bought this book because I loved the cover!
I swear I was born in the wrong time! I could have easily seen my best friend and I doing this type thing!
I would love to sit down and continue to hear about the adventures they had that summer!
I was laughing so hard when she told about opening the box of pearls when she was in the elevator and trying to gather them all back up! And then the day when she and the salesmen on the third floor sat around drinking brandy and then Mr. Tiffany came in! Sounds so much like something I would have done!
Reading the book put a great big smile on my face.
Thanks for picking such a great read! I brought the book to my lake house so I can share it with those who may come for a visit and need something to read for the weekend!
Haven't read the book but now I want to do so!
I read it and it was such a fun read, especially knowing it was based on her true experience. Can we imagine letting our children go off to the city with just a few dollars and who knows what??? I had to laugh imagnining the girls being so naive about the ocean and beach and could just see them burned and worn out making their way back to their little apartment.
The scenes in Time Square with VE-Day were wonderful...I could feel the crowds and the jubilation and the patriotism...it was a beautiful era! I think we all need a "Summer at Tiffany's" some time in our life.
Thanks for a great recommendation and yes, my reading will slow considerably as soon as school starts back up and I become the ferrier of children again.
What a wonderful book.
I picked it up just prior to you stating you wanted to talk about it.
I didn't want to put it down. Two young women from the Mid-West spending the summer in NYC is such an adventure. to be there at such an important time in history.
I love the pictures and the drawings in the middle of the book.
Iloved the fact that she included some aspects of the letters that she mailed to her family.
When I read about the elevator scene thoughts of Lucy popped in my head. I could so picture her on hands and knees trying her best to gather up pearls before they had a chance to disappear! It was so refreshing to read an entertaining book with no sex, cursing, and everyone lived. My daughter has the book now. Cute book!
What a wonnderful book pick! This has been my favorite summer read because it has brought back so many fond memories of my college days and crazy summer adventures with my girlfriends.
I have shared this book with both of my daughters who are Kappas. They were thrilled to discover the book as well and have naturally decided this will be their next sorority bookclub read ! It is a treasure. Thanks for such a delightful read!
I bought the book and can't wait to read it... school starts for me Aug 13, so I better get to reading fast!!!
I have not read this book, but what lovely reviews! I have a six hour flight next Tuesday and thanks to these comments, I know just what book I will be tucking into my carry-on bag. :)
I will have to look at the library for the Tiffany book...sounds like a good read!
My copy just arrived in the mail yesterday with A Thousand Splendid Suns which I am reading for my personal book club. But I can't wait to read Summer At Tiffany's!
Thanks for taking the time to read this book and for all the positive comments. Steph, I liked those two parts too and was so nervous for her in the elevator and the pearls! The cover was what made me buy it too! I grabbed it up before really reading what it was about. The publishers have been kind too. Chatham Prep: The editor sent me an e-mail with some other interesting facts from the Kappa Sorority so if you will e-mail me, I will forward that to you or ANYONE who wants it, let me know. Anyway..kind of sad, not to do another book but maybe next summer.
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