I am playing along too and showing my everyday pattern and china pattern, although my everyday is actually bone china. But, according to this quote..."Top chefs all over the world use Wedgwood fine bone china every day. In fact, it is the strongest form of ceramic body known. Four Wedgwood fine bone china coffee cups will support a Rolls-Royce car!" Who knew!
Strawberry and Vine and Runymede..both by Wedgewood...
You know we recieved Wedgewood bone china for our wedding gift 18 years ago. 10 place settings. I have used it maybe once or twice. It looks almost identical to yours. I may have to pull it out and use it... I acquired 20 place settings with all the extras from Matt's grandmother. It was her mothers and it's dessert rose. I think it's pretty so I put away the bone china in it's original boxes to give Amanda for a wedding gift someday. (She's only 17 :)
I love both styles.
I always think Wedgewood looks great.
I love Wedgewood! I would SO love to see it hold up the RR! :)
That was one of the best selling point when I would work with brides on their selections is that Wedgewood was bone china. S&V is so pretty but yet basic all together.
I love them both too!
Oh I love that top plate.
I know so many people who registered for that first pattern you are showing! Did you get married in the early-ish 80s? It was really popular then!
I'm glad to see someone else who uses her China frequently! Hubby and I registered for Vera Wang Grosgrain by Wedgwood when we got married, and we absolutely LOVE using it! I had no idea it was that strong though! I hope you and your family get to enjoy a very special Thanksgiving together from your China!
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