Two questions answered:
1. For my birthday I received some fab gifts from friends...Mani and pedi gift certificate, two pairs of flip-flops, gardening items that I love, Banana Republic bath wash and lotion which smells great, gosh just too much! My little work place gave me a Vera Bradley hanging bag and travel bag. How nice was that? And then my hubby shopped himself and gave me a Michael Stars top and Elliot Lauren bermudas that he picked out, a bottle of red wine...okay two...and a one hour massage gift certificate...whoohoo...and, well, I'm getting a new outdoor family space with grill, fireplace and patio. They are starting next week and I'll post pics for sure. I am very excited about this because I love, love to be outside.
The flip-flops are called
Switch Flops ..mine are actually black and white polka dots...Check out their website...Very cute and I love the wedge heel!

2. I don't have an Etsy store because it would totally ruin my mojo...seriously, I am so impulsive and I love to just make up a gift at the spur of the moment but if I have it hanging over my head it's not fun...If I had 10 bags to make I would not be happy! I am easily stressed and so busy with family right now. But I love to make gifts for those I love...