I was born in 1965... I bought season one of "Mad Men" and I am hooked. Okay, there is way too much smoking and drinking, but I love January Jones' character. She was just featured in Town and Country. I think it's the clothes I love the most. One scene, Betty Draper had on an embroidered top with seahorses that buttoned down the back, gorgeous and she was headed to the beach! (in her yellow preppy station wagon) This series reminds me of Bewitched. Darren even commuted to Manhattan from Conn. for his advertising job. Anyone else enjoy this series?
I saw some of the episodes this season and was hooked. (My hubby is a handsome ad agency guy to that helps! hee-hee). I have the first season in my queue on Netflix....can't wait. Hope you're enjoying your vacation.
You know we are insanely crazy for this show, not to mention the fashion, jewelry, sets, all of it! When we really looked at our T&C cover we thought Ms. Jones just looks so different when her hair isn't in the "Betty Draper do." Is that just TP's goofy perspective?!
We're so happy you are enjoying the respite away from the everyday stuff of life!
I was also born in 1965 but the show is not set in the 70's I believe when it left off they were in 1963. Isnt the show addictive.
I love this show. I didn't watch it for a long time and once I did, I was addicted. I'm having withdrawals right now. I'm thinking of getting Season One on DVD.
Oh I love it! They were having a contest for a guest "star," and I so wanted to submit a video as the character of Betty's little sis.
Love the show and can't wait 'til next season.
Hubby and I were just talking about the trends in fashion coming around to sixties and how we thing the ideals will too! i think everyone is looking to have simpler lives.
I started seeing stuff about this on a menswear bulletin board before season one and I got hooked last year. But since I tend to have the kiss of death for anything I like, I kept it quiet in fear I would somehow get it cancelled.
I have to agree with you, it looks a lot like the early episodes of Bewitched. Don Draper is just dreamy, isn't he?! The smoking and drinking cracks me up--my parents were huge smokers and one of my chores was emptying all the ashtrays everyday--so obviously I have never smoked! Blech!
I got my issue and wondered who in the heck is this cover girl! I've GOT to see this series because my brother loves it and we have similar taste. And I LOVE Bewitched! ha.
Take a look at our preppy company when you have a minute!
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