I know what we do is insane. I'm trying to get a grip on it myself. Before...I ...have...a...stoke! We are very competitive. We can't paly rec ball any more, we are on a travel team... because in one weekend we play "half a season of rec ball." We can't just cheer at the school level, we are on an all-star team. You see where I am going. I guess with my over achieving personality I would not have it any other way...So I

try to count my many blessings!

One by one!
When I get a bit overwhelmed I just try to remember it is just a short season of my life that I know one day I will wish was back! I know you wouldn't miss it for the world, either. (((hugs))) and see you in the car-pool lane LOL!!!
That is a really cool pic of your daughter's team.
I am not sure I have any advice for you though. I was the same way as a kid and it was not until last year or so that it dawned on me how much my dad did to get me to and from all of my activities growing up!
Love it! I think it's awesome! All of it!
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