Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Well...the Surgery is Over

A quick update because I am in mucho pain, but basically, it was neither a neurofibroma nor the schwanoma unfortunately. It looked to be a malignant mass but I won't know until 2-5 days. If it is not benign then I'll have radiation on that arm. Thank you for your prayers so much. And, mostly your patience with the bags if you haven't received yours. This was all so sudden. I found the lump three weeks ago and instead of slow growing it must have been agressive. Hopefully, this is isolated...just don't know until the path results come back. Back to bed and Percocet...


teaorwine said...

Be well and feel better!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's all that creativity of yours all bundled up inside your body!? You got to get it out!

Hope you feel better soon. You are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Feel Better soon! You are in my prayers.

hqm said...

Take it easy! And I keep good thoughts for you!

Suz said...

Sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Rest up and feel better soon. Thinking of you and your family.

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Feel better soon!

Michelle said...

Hope you are feeling better soon! Sending prayers up for ya. (((hugs)))

Suburban prep said...

Rest and best for a speedy recovery. You are in my prayers.

susan said...

I love your blog and creativity. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

So glad you are OK...hang in there! Positive vibes coming your way.

Emily said...

Oh my goodness...I've been out of the loop a bit the past few weeks and just read this post. I'm sending prayers and warm thoughts your way.

Jill said...

Thanks for updating us... keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon and we can go for a walk and talk..
I love You

Anonymous said...

Angie, I hope you get to feeling better. I hate to hear about this!

The McAfee's

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

I'm glad to hear the surgery is over, but will continue to pray for you to get good test result. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Tammy B said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Here's to a speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart, keep on the drugs and I will keepyou in my prayers.

Sew Biz said...

You are on my prayer list!

sle said...

Praying for you and hoping for good results and a speedy recovery!