Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Newlywed...

must have thrown our poll off...I think I am in the norm..17 years of marriage:)


clemsongirlandthecoach said...

...or maybe it was a Coach's wife...have you seen how HOT my hubby is? I just can't leave him alone! :) Sorry girls, it's true.

Kricket said...

My hubby and I made a pack before we got married. we have sex or some form of it on every odd night. Needless to say hubby LOVES months with 31 days because he gets it two nights in a row!! ARGH!!!!

Annie said...

We've been married 18 years ... my hub still prefers daily. When do they slow down???

Jill said...

ha! I was going to say if you can track and figure out how we all voted just count me in under "every day" .