Thursday, August 2, 2007

Update...CAUTION>>Very Gross Picture

NOT a pretty picture but this is what it looks like. Hey, at least I am "keeping it real". No pretentiousness here. I hope to post pretty bags tomorrow:)

I went to the Dr. today in Hotlanta, and feel soo much better about things:) My sweet specialist, Dr. Monson, says it is 99% benign. Praise God! I will have surgery on the 13th. I told him I really needed the use of my arm and hand, or the feeling in them,but he knows what he is doing. This mass is in the I hope he has a good night's rest! Oh, I forgot to ask him today if this mass weighed 15 pounds! Just can't figure my scale out!


hqm said...

Very funny...I am sure it is good for at least a few pounds!
Glad to hear the good news and I will keep you in my thoughts!

sle said...

Great news. I have been thinking about you and am glad to hear it all is looking ok. I also received the books you sent in the mail today! Thank you so very much. I know I will love reading one of them and the other I am keeping for later on. Thanks again!

tulipmom said...

Hah hah! I'm so glad to hear the good news. I think posting the picture was a good idea.

Preppy Napkin said...

Thanks for the visual. Glad to hear of the good news.

Michelle said...

Yikes...I am glad all looks positive though!

k e r r y said...

So glad to hear about the awesome good news! It took me a minute to realize what the picture was... you don't want to know what I thought it was!

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

Great that you got good news. Have been praying for you!

Anonymous said...

I will keep you and your Doctor in my prayers...Glad to hear such great news!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Great news!

jillskict said...

Good news! Hope it all goes well, keep your feet up!

melissa said...

So glad to hear your good news!

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password: lulubelle