Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Aftermath...

Took some photos this morning and maybe you can envision that we "Workin' The Preppy" at one point last night...

Entering the gates...

We had the candles lit all across the front porch...

Seriously, there isn't even time for clean up today as we are off for more baseball.


so tired said...

You put a lot of work into this. What a lucky boy your son is!

hqm said...

Sounds like both the dance and breakfast were a smash...what a mile stone for your son!
And you...I always tell my husband that I want to be the house to host these events...just so I know who and what is going on in my girls lives!

Anonymous said...

Everything looked great and the kids had a wonderful time! Thanks!

Hair Girl said...

Where did you get the great chair covers? I am sure that you made them, but with a little glimmer of hope I thought I would ask.
Everything looked fantastic.

Elizabeth said...

Wow, you did such a nice job. How lovely!

MMM said...

Everything looks great! Love the black and pink.

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

So charming. It all looks amazing!

The Mrs. said...

I can envision! You are amazing! Thanks for the encouragement too. Love those pink polka dot balloons!

Linda S said...

I see some really cute decorations there!!!

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

I love the decorations. The color combo is great. You really are a creative lady

Etiquettely Correct said...

It looks lovely! You must be such a thoughtful mom.