Monday, February 11, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday....

Box of Burps!


Annie said...


ps I'm at now!

Preppy Lizard said...

Everything you do is SO CUTE!!!! I love it!

Kiki said...

Wow, I am loving everything you do!!! Thanks for sharing, and keep the cute pics coming, its so fun to see what you are up to.

The 5 Bickies said...

Why weren't you around when I was getting burp cloths. Those are the cutest I have ever seen. When my youngest was born I got a set of 3 personalized toile burp cloths that were darling. Too bad they showed up after my daughter turned 1 and was drinking from a sippycup.,

Michelle said...

So, so, so cute!!!

Jennifer Paganelli said...

oh Angie where you been??? Miss you all the things I'm have the eye!! all my very best to you. Jennifer

The Mrs. said...

Cuuuute!!!! Such a cute gift idea!

Anonymous said...

You do such cute work!! How can I get more info about the burp baskets?

workinthatpreppy said...

anonomous...just e-mail me...i can do as little or as many burp cloths...let me know what you want and we'll go from there...