Why weren't you around when I was getting burp cloths. Those are the cutest I have ever seen. When my youngest was born I got a set of 3 personalized toile burp cloths that were darling. Too bad they showed up after my daughter turned 1 and was drinking from a sippycup.,
ps I'm at mylifeasannie.com now!
Everything you do is SO CUTE!!!! I love it!
Wow, I am loving everything you do!!! Thanks for sharing, and keep the cute pics coming, its so fun to see what you are up to.
Why weren't you around when I was getting burp cloths. Those are the cutest I have ever seen. When my youngest was born I got a set of 3 personalized toile burp cloths that were darling. Too bad they showed up after my daughter turned 1 and was drinking from a sippycup.,
So, so, so cute!!!
oh Angie where you been??? Miss you so....love all the things I'm seeing...you have the eye!! all my very best to you. Jennifer
Cuuuute!!!! Such a cute gift idea!
You do such cute work!! How can I get more info about the burp baskets?
anonomous...just e-mail me...i can do as little or as many burp cloths...let me know what you want and we'll go from there...
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